Operations optimisation  

Course Contents The course aims at providing the students with knowledge and experience to set-up and analyze linear and nonlinear optimization problems. The course covers the following topics: 1. Introduction to Operations Research, examples of OR models for air transport. 2. Linear programmming (LP) models and the simplex Method. 3. Sensitivity analysis and Duality. 4. Transportation and assignment problems. 5. Network optimization and dynamic programming. 6. Mixed Integer Linear programming. 7. Nonlinear programming. Study Goals At the end of the course, the students will be able to: 1. Understand the theory behind basic linear and non-linear optimization problems. 2. Model a problem as a linear program, a (mixed) integer program or a network optimization problem; 3. Verify the model using self created test data set. 4. Create and apply a sensitivity analysis.
Operations optimisation

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